Barter is the present and the future of international trade, especially for people who is starting in the import export business. Barter and more: Triangular operations.
The Spanish Business leaders have been in Amsterdam, London, New York, and in several US cities explaining the opportunities offered by Spain's economy to international investors.
The CEC (Spanish Business Council for Competitiveness with big companies like Iberdrola, Telefonica, Mango, Banco Santander, Repsol, Acciona, BBVA, Inditex, ACS, Ferrovial, or Mercadona) describes a more optimistic macro economic scenario for Spain returning to growth in the fourth quarter of this year, refuting many of the negative claims about Spain, and about its ability to recover from the economic crisis.
In Sylodium (国际贸易,目录) you can advertise for free your company or your project, at the intersection of cities like: 纽约(美国) - 马德里(西班牙)。洛杉矶(美国) - 巴塞罗那(西班牙)。芝加哥(美国) - 瓦伦西亚(西班牙)....